• We have a contract with our friends at FedEx. We offer $10.50 flat rate 2 day shipping to the United States including Alaska and Hawaii. (orders over 3 dozen to the same address excluded)
  • We do not ship to PO Boxes.
  • When FedEx picks up your package from production, we release all liability of delivery including damages to the product/package to the carrier. We do insure our packages, please see our refund policy for more information.
  • Orders will be processed in the order they are received and our goal is to have them shipped within two business days. A confirmation email will be sent once your package has departed.
  • We can’t guarantee delivery dates and times.
  • The package will be shipped to the address that was provided on the order. If you have entered the wrong address, your shipment will not arrive. You will also get an email from FedEx before your package arrives. Please ensure all of the information is correct to avoid a missed delivery.